Imirt represents game developers and creators from all disciplines throughout Ireland, both analog and digital.
Key decision makers: Game Developers, Designers and Company Founders based in Ireland
Key companies: Members from a wide variety of game companies developing content on consoles, PC, mobile, VR and tabletop
All sectors: Developers, Publishers, Educators, Middleware and Support Services
The Irish game industry is thriving, passionate and driven. It is comprised of everyone from award-winning freelance game makers and indie studios to large developers and publishers. The goal of Imirt is to increase awareness of Ireland’s game developers on the national and international stage while providing opportunities for networking, community growth and development.
Membership is open to everyone in the game development community - professionals, indies, hobbyists, students and companies (coming soon). Join us today (or renew your membership) and help to ensure that Imirt continues to grow and to provide a common representative voice for the Irish game development community.
Imirt is volunteer run, so if you’d like to help financially support Imirt with more than just a membership, you can do so through the PayPal button below.
Imirt is grateful to be sponsored by the following 5 Irish game companies for 2021 & 2022. Their financial contributions will help fund Imirt’s initiatives over the coming year and help build our community of Irish game makers.
Imirt News