Irish Games Published in 2019

2019 was an exciting year for the Irish Game development industry! We are very proud of all those games released in the year and very excited to see a bigger list in 2020! 

This list was put together for IMIRT’s 2019 AGM and the games were submitted to us via social media. If your game is not there, please contact IMIRT on Facebook with the same details as below.

  • Cardpocalypse - Apple Arcade, PC, PS4, XBOX, Nintendo Switch - Gambrinous

  • Demon Pit - PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch  - Psychic Software and DoomCube

  • Racing Game - PC - Green Cheese Games

  • Radiant Offline Battle Arena - Tabletop - Heel Turn Games

Are you a member of IMIRT? Register now and support our community

Welcome to the New Imirt Board Members!

The results of the 2019 Imirt board elections are in and the newly-elected board members are Brendan Dillon, Ellen Cunningham, Jairo Lopes and Denman Rooke (shown L->R in the image below)!


If you want a reminder of who they are and why they want to be involved with Imirt, check out this page. They will be taking the places of outgoing board members Brenda Romero, Colm Larkin, Olivier Masclef and Elaine Reynolds, who we thank for their work supporting Imirt over the last few years.

Thank you to everyone who voted and ran in the elections. Remember too that Imirt is a volunteer-run, community group so if you want to get more involved in Imirt or you have an idea for an event or an initiative, drop an email to and let us know!

2019 Imirt Board Elections - Call for Nominees

Are you interested in promoting and supporting the Irish games industry? Now is the time to get involved with Imirt by nominating yourself for the board! Drop an email to to say you’re interested.

Longer Version:

The 2019 Board elections for Imirt are coming up and there will be four seats available for nominees to fill (it was three last year). Being on the board of Imirt means you steer the agenda and implement the goals of the organisation.

As a volunteer-run organisation we look forward to welcoming new faces to the board every year and would like to encourage anyone in the Irish games community to consider running. There is no requirement in terms of years of experience or job role - the most important qualification is that you are willing to commit your time and energy to Imirt. It goes without saying that we welcome a diverse range of nominees and we also welcome everyone who has previously run for the elections to put themselves forward again.

To become a nominee you simply need to e-mail expressing an interest (i.e. you self nominate) by September 23rd. We will then ask for your bio, goals, and optional photo to put on the Imirt website in the run up to the elections and of course your membership will need to be up to date.

If you have questions about what is involved in being on the board, feel free to reach out to any of the current board members

Imirt Irish Games Awards 2018

It's that time of year again! Imirt is happy to announce the third ever Imirt Irish Game Awards for games released in 2018!

Entries have been extended until 24th May 2019.

All entries must have been released during the 2018 calendar year. Please see the "eligibility" section in the link for more details.

Please submit your game or game dev tool in as many categories as you see fit. All entries are eligible for the Game of the Year category.

Best of luck to all entrants, and thank you for another year or amazing Irish games!
Click here to apply

Imirt & Games NI join forces to Run for the Border


As Brexit looms large on the horizon, Imirt and Games NI have arranged a playdate. The goal is to break down borders, on the border.

Run For The Border will kick off at The Spirit Store in Dundalk, Ireland on 19 January 2019, running from 7pm to 11:30pm. The video game communities of both North and South Ireland will come together for an international cross-border clash of clans. It is expected that this will be the largest ever gathering of independent game developers throughout the island of Ireland.

Tickets for the event are available at:
Imirt Eventbrite (from Dublin):

Dundalk was chosen because it’s a bordertown exactly halfway between Dublin and Belfast. Run for the Border is about meeting in the middle.

Run for the Border is primarily a social event but there will also be some talks and networking. The invitation boasts “a friendly event designed to meet new people, form cross-border collaborations, eat food, drink drink, listen to sage advice from local geniuses, play with each other’s toys… with a few surprises thrown in.” Tickets are selling fast so anyone interested in attending should move quickly.

“There is incredible talent on both sides of the border,” adds Elaine Reynolds, Imirt board member and CEO of Simteractive in Dublin, “Having these two game dev communities so close to each other, yet rarely actively interacting, is something that definitely needs to change.”

“Our two communities don’t get together nearly enough,” says Kevin Beimers of Northern Irish game development studio Italic Pig, and events coordinator for Games NI. “We know one another through social media and occasional visits, and tend to get together at worldwide events, but rarely do a Northern developers travel to Southern events, or vice versa. ”

To open the border to higher attendance and to have as much cross-border collaboration as possible, the event will be receiving generous support from the Creative Europe Desks of both Ireland and UK, in the form of two 50-seater coaches, bringing developers to and from Belfast and Dublin city centres on the day of the event.

“The Creative Europe Desks Ireland and UK (Northern Ireland) are delighted to support Run for the Border,” adds Orla Clancy (Ireland) and Sophie Hayles (UK/NI). “Games companies North and South have successfully accessed the Creative Europe Video Games scheme, and we’re really pleased to be working together to enable a meet up that sees the sectors coming together. Particularly with the uncertainty around Brexit, it’s a pleasure to work with the spirit of creativity, cooperation and collaboration shown by GamesNI and Imirt.”  

Tickets for the event are available at:
Imirt Eventbrite (from Dublin):

Three Irish games companies receive support from Creative EU Media


Congratulations to the three Irish game companies who have been successful in the latest Creative Europe MEDIA Video Games funding round! There were five Irish applicants in total for this round. The three successful applicants are:

  • Gambrinous (Cardpocalypse)

  • Isometric Dreams (Sunken Spectre)

  • Simteractive Ltd (Designer Life)

They received a total of €398,279 in this round. Since 2013, Support for Video Games call has seen Irish games companies granted €833,279 in development support.

The next Video Games Call is now open with a deadline in early 2019. Imirt & the Irish Creative Europe desk will host a Video Games application workshop in January 2019. You can also watch videos from our previous workshops put together by the Creative Europe desk & Imirt in the following youtube playlist:

Imirt Awards & Talks Fri December 14th

Fri Dec 14th 5:00pm - 7:00pm
DIT Aungier Street

** Note: new date of Fri 14th Dec **

Imirt invites you to our next event featuring the presentation of the second annual Imirt Irish Game Awards as well as the opportunity to meet some incredible international guests. The event is in collaboration with the DIT School of Media and Screen Skills Ireland. We would also like to thank Black Shamrock for sponsoring the Imirt Awards.

The event is free but space is limited so please reserve a ticket here:

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Jake Birkett

In 2005 Jake Birkett formed Grey Alien Games. 13 years later he has more than ten games under his belt including RPG Card Game, Shadowhand, and casual hits Regency Solitaire and Spooky Bonus for PC/Mac. Jake has experience with every stage of the development process from design and implementation to testing and localisation.

Damian Scattergood.jpg

Damian Scattergood

Currently Managing Director of STAR Translation Services, Damian started life as a games developer in the 1980’s. Starting with New Concepts developing simulation games in Carlow he was part of the first wave of game developers in Ireland. Joining Emerald Software in the late 80’s he was responsible for a number of hit Z80 games including MoonWalker for Michael Jackson, Vigilante, and SuperTed the search for spot, on Spectrum and Amstrad platforms. He has written technical articles for the likes of Sinclair User, Crash and Your Sinclair magazines in the 1990’s.

Imirt 2017 Irish Game Awards presentation

Awards for the second annual Imirt Irish Game Awards will be handed out in a short presentation. Many thanks to this year’s awards sponsor, Black Shamrock.

Winners have been previously announced and can be found here.

Imirt AGM: Year’s review & future plans

Welcome the new board of Imirt as we review the last year & talk about our plans for next year.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped Imirt to make this event possible:


Imirt Board Election Results 2018


Congratulations to the three newly-elected board members of Imirt - Keith O'Conor, Peter Lynch and Robin David O'Keeffe! If you want a reminder of who they are and why they want to be involved with Imirt, check out this page.

Thanks to everyone who voted and to everyone who ran in the elections. Thanks also to the outgoing board members, Jen Carey, Stephen Kelly and Alan Duggan, for all their great work on behalf of the Irish game dev community over the past few years. 

Remember too that Imirt is a volunteer-run, community group so if you want to get more involved in Imirt or you have an idea for an event or an initiative, drop an email to and let us know!

IMIRT 2017 Game Awards Results

IMIRT: The Irish Game Makers Association are pleased to announce the award winners for the Imirt Game Awards for games released in 2017. We would like to thank everyone who entered the competition and congratulate the winners. We would also like to thank our judges for their time and expertise. Judges were composed of a national and international team. Scores were submitted blind and tabulated by Imirt’s board member Stephen Kelly.

The results for the awards are as follow.


Winner: Weird Fiction: Trouble in Shadywood High by Robin David
Runner up: Exquisite Beast by Turtle Dream Games Ltd


Winner: Eden Isle: Resort Paradise by Simteractive
Runner Up: The Darkside Detective by Spooky Doorway


Winner: The Darkside Detective by Spooky Doorway
Runner Up: Weird Fiction: Trouble in Shadywood High by Robin David


Winner: Eden Isle: Resort Paradise by Simteractive
Runner Up: The Darkside Detective by Spooky Doorway


Winner: Gunman Taco Truck by Romero Games Ltd
Runner Up: Eden Isle: Resort Paradise by Simteractive


Winner: by Psychic Software
Runner Up: My Very Hungry Caterpillar AR by Touch Press (Ireland) Ltd.


Winner: The Darkside Detective by Spooky Doorway
Runner Up: Eden Isle: Resort Paradise by Simteractive

2018 Board elections - call for nominees

The 2018 Board elections for Imirt will happen in September. There will be three seats available for nominees to fill (it was four last year). Being on the board of Imirt means you steer the agenda and implement the goals of the organisation.

As a volunteer-run organisation we look forward to welcoming new faces to the board every year and would like to encourage anyone in the Irish games community to consider running. 

To become a nominee you simply need to be a member of Imirt and e-mail expressing an interest (i.e. you self nominate) by August 31st. We will then ask for your bio, goals, and optional photo to put on the Imirt website in the run up to the elections. 

Speaker: Unreal Engine / Epic Games evangelist Sjoerd De Jong


Meet Unreal Engine / Epic Games evangelist Sjoerd De Jong

Thursday May 31st, 6:30pm - DIT School of Media, Aungier St

Unreal Engine / Epic Games evangelist Sjoerd De Jong will be giving a talk where he builds a game from scratch using UE4. You may already know Sjoerd as Hourences if you are familiar with his talks and tutorials. This is a great opportunity to learn some new tricks and is suitable for developers of all levels.

Tickets are free and after the talk we will move to a nearby pub for the opportunity to chat to Sjoerd. Please reserve a ticket here if you want to attend so we have an idea of numbers.

Many thanks to Imirt, DIT School of Media, and Epic Games for making this possible.

Note: if you are in Galway on Wed May 30th you will also find Sjoerd at the Galway Games Development meetup which is happening the day before he speaks in Dublin.

About Sjoerd De Jong

As Evangelist for Epic Games, Sjoerd travels through Europe to talk about and teach Unreal Engine 4. With 19 years of experience in the Unreal Engine, Sjoerd is an expert at a wide range of content creation topics. Throughout his diverse career he has worked in everything ranging from AAA development to running his own indie studio to education. His most recently released game is The Solus Project.

The Imirt Irish Game Awards

It's that time of year again! Imirt is happy to announce the second ever Imirt Irish Game Awards for games released in 2017!

Entries have been extended until 24th February 2018.

All entries must have been released during the 2017 calendar year. Please see the "eligibility" section in the link for more details.

Please submit your game or game dev tool in as many categories as you see fit. All entries are eligible for the Game of the Year category.

Best of luck to all entrants, and thank you for another year or amazing Irish games!
Click here to apply

Imirt Inspire Interview 20: Mat Mortlock

Mat is a video game geek above all else and has an unnatural love for all things games related. Mat is Senior Business Development Coordinator at Digital Development Management, a video game business development agency that prides itself on being Professional, Honourable and above all, looking at ways to help improve the industry for all. Mat is passionate about the industry and the work he does with DDM. This consists mainly of working closely with developers providing them biz dev advice, helping to secure development funding through a varied and comprehensive Publisher Network, and to maximise chances of placing projects through pitch material review and development. Mat joined DDM from Codemasters, where he was the Acquisitions & Development Relations Executive.

Imirt Inspire Interview 19: Meggy Pepelanova

Meggy Pepelanova is a freelance game designer and project manager working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After trying out various roles in media research, management, and design, Meggy has found a place in the games industry where she really fits in - real life gaming. For the past 2 years Meggy has worked on 5 escape rooms and has made multiple little experiments in mixed reality gaming, ranging from co-located VR to city exploration games. Meggy is somewhat of a fiend when it comes to new kinds of games so she's really involved in cross-media developments & in supporting game development communities.

Imirt Inspire Interview 18: Jonathan Blow

Jonathan Blow is a game designer and programmer who lives in San Francisco, USA. His most recent games are critically acclaimed The Witness and Braid. Both of those titles are well known for their unique game design and mechanics approach. Jonathan continues to run the studio Thekla, Inc., which creates mind-expanding games. Blow, along with several other independent game developers became a founding member of the Indie Fund, an angel investor fund for independent game projects.

Imirt Board Election 2017 Results

Here are the results of the recent Imirt board election. Olivier Masclef and
Elaine Reynolds will be joining the board, while Colm Larkin and Brenda Romero
will be re-joining the board.

The 7 members of the new Imirt board will be: Jen Carey, Alan Duggan, Stephen Kelly, Colm Larkin, Olivier Masclef, Elaine Reynolds, & Brenda Romero.

Many thanks to everyone who voted in the election and a very special thank you
to all the nominees. We hope those that didn't make it will try again in
future, we really appreciate such strong support.

Imirt Game Developer Survey 2017 results

We recently carried out the yearly Imirt Survey. Below the graphs summarise what people felt worked well and what areas they’d like us to focus on for the next year.


For the initiatives the Inspire series is well regarded, including the live talks and evening talks. A big thanks to Colm Larkin for running those podcasts and thanks to everyone involved in setting up the live events. We gratefully received help from Screen Training, DIT, Enterprise Ireland, as well as the board members who put those events together. Thanks to those who attended and members who have suggested speakers in the past.

The next highest rated initiative is the newsletter. The newsletter provides a way to inform members about the latest activities of Imirt or Irish games development in a succinct way. Thanks to the community for providing news items. Also thanks to Brenda Romero, and more recently Kevin Murphy for gathering and putting together the newsletter regularly.

Another well rated initiative was the Imirt Irish Games Awards. This provides an opportunity to promote and showcase games made in Ireland. It also aids developers and studios in their own self promotional work. Thanks to Corona Labs for providing the awards, the Trinity Long Room Hub for hosting them, and Animation Skillnet for sponsorship on the night. Also thanks to our speakers and members of the community who attended.

Mentoring & Lobbying Government support

Mentoring developers or startup studios, and lobbying the government for support were two areas that rated averagely and could do with improvement. These were also the top two topics in terms of comments.

One suggestion for mentoring was to ask Irish developers who’ve been through the game development hurdles to give talks on their experiences. Another theme was involving more people in Imirt and the games industry here. That included students, new and diverse creators, and expanding to involve all parts of games creation and development including (e.g. middleware, qa, & localisation). Another suggestion was to mentor on what funding opportunities already exist and help startups through their first years.

In terms of government support comments suggested the need for help in terms of tax breaks and grants. Possibly in related way, some comments suggested that Imirt should position itself to represent larger studios with more of a focus on the commercial side of things.

Future focus

The most popular activity members want to see Imirt do is getting more government support for developers here. Comments see this as challenging task of course, but as a worthy thing to do.

From the survey votes, the top three areas for Imirt to focus on in future are:

  1. Lobbying the government and other bodies for support

  2. Organising networking events

  3. Mentoring Irish game developers.

Thank you to all the members who participated in the survey, especially to those who provided suggestions, feedback and comments. Everyone on the board of directors read the comments and your thoughts are very helpful in directing how Imirt proceeds in future.



Performance to date:


Focus for the next 12 months


Participant information
