The Imirt Dublin Games Springboard Launches

On the 18th of February, The Imirt Dublin Games Springboard launched with its opening mixer event. The Imirt Dublin Games Springboard, ran by Imirt and the Guinness Enterprise Centre, and supported by Screen Ireland, is an incubator programme which aims to develop the creative and entrepreneurial skills that video game developers will require to navigate the professional games industry.

Imirt CEO Colm Larkin welcoming the group

Imirt Board Member, Carlo Azzari, delivering a programme overview

The Guinness Enterprise Centre’s Niamh Collins giving participants a tour of the GEC

The opening mixer was kicked off by a few words from Imirt CEO Colm Larkin, a programme overview by Imirt Board Member Carlo Azzari and a tour of the Guinness Enterprise Centre from Niamh Collins. We also had an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other over tea and coffee. The event was supported by other members of Imirt’s staff and other stakeholders.

Our programme has eight participants, each of which comes with a unique background and mindset. We’re honoured to have such an excellent and talented group. Our eight participants are;

  • Mark Robinson - Space Lion Studios

  • Eoghan Kidney - Antics VR

  • Jake Horner - Freelance

  • Serena Manassero - Snack Sized Games

  • Bunny Hanlon - Freelance

  • Lauren Morgan - GameDev

  • Ryan O’Connor - Freelance

  • Heather Kearns - Pulse College

Our eight participants alongside Imirt CEO Colm Larkin, Imirt’s Research and Administrative Assistant Eoghan Watters and the Guinness Enterprise Centre’s Niamh Collins.

(Pictured Left to Right: Serena Manassero, Heather Kearns, Niamh Collins, Eoghan Watters, Bunny Hanlon, Colm Larkin, Eoghan Kidney, Jake Horner, Mark Robinson, Ryan O’Connor and Lauren Morgan)

The group then had their first workshop, delivered by the wonderful Dervilla O’Brien. The group worked together to solve problem statements, find their value proposition and learn about business model canvases.

We’re absolutely delighted with the showing on the first day and can’t wait to see what this group does over the next 11 weeks.